Major |
Farm/Farm and Ranch Management |
Major |
Acting |
Art History, Criticism and Conservation |
Ballet |
Ceramic Arts and Ceramics |
Dance, General |
Design and Visual Communications, General |
Directing and Theatrical Production |
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General |
Fine/Studio Arts, General |
Graphic Design |
Interior Design |
Music Performance, General |
Music Theory and Composition |
Music, General |
Musical Theatre |
Painting |
Photography |
Piano and Organ |
Printmaking |
Sculpture |
Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology |
Violin, Viola, Guitar and Other Stringed Instruments |
Voice and Opera |
Major |
Accounting |
Actuarial Science |
Advertising |
Economics, General |
Fashion Merchandising |
Finance, General |
International Business/Trade/Commerce |
International Economics |
International Finance |
International Marketing |
Logistics and Materials Management |
Management Science, General |
Marketing/Marketing Management, General |
Real Estate |
Major |
Art Teacher Education |
Bilingual and Multilingual Education |
Early Childhood Education and Teaching |
Education, General |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness |
English/Language Arts Teacher Education |
Health and Physical Education, General |
Mathematics Teacher Education |
Music Teacher Education |
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching |
Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education |
Social Studies Teacher Education |
Sports Studies |
Major |
Athletic Training/Trainer |
Clinical Nutrition/Nutritionist |
Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services, Other |
Dietetics/Dietitian (RD) |
Movement Therapy and Movement Education |
Nursing/Registered Nurse (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN) |
Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist |
Major |
Broadcast Journalism |
Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric |
Creative Writing |
English Language and Literature, General |
French Language and Literature |
General Studies |
German Language and Literature |
History, General |
Journalism |
Mass Communication/Media Studies |
Organizational Communication, General |
Philosophy |
Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication |
Public Relations/Image Management |
Radio and Television |
Radio, Television, and Digital Communication, Other |
Religion/Religious Studies |
Religious/Sacred Music |
Spanish Language and Literature |
Writing, General |
Major |
Geography |
International Relations and Affairs |
Political Science and Government, General |
Social Work |
Sociology |
Major |
Criminal Justice/Safety Studies |
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General |
Major |
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Other |
Biochemistry |
Biology/Biological Sciences, General |
Chemistry, General |
Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst |
Computer and Information Sciences, General |
Engineering, General |
Environmental Science |
Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other |
Geology/Earth Science, General |
Information Technology |
Mathematics, General |
Neuroscience |
Physics, General |
Major |
Anthropology |
Developmental and Child Psychology |
Psychology, General |
Youth Services/Administration |
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