Search Cliff Calculator

Project how your institution may be impacted from the upcoming changes to College Board® Search. What’s changing at College Board®?

Enrollment funnel

Enter the total names you license from College Board® and the funnel data of those names (required)
Inquiry rate
Application rate
Admit rate
Yield rate
Net tuition revenue (per enrollee)
Specify segments
National impact for

All projected changes relative to the base year of 2023

Search availability






Net tuition revenue


Search availability






Net tuition revenue


After the changes to College Board® Search, all colleges are projected to lose 8.4M funnel inquiries from Search, which translates to a drop of 121.1K enrolled students and a loss of $5.61b of Net Tuition Revenue in 2027. We recommend colleges backfill this gap with other sources.

Projected Drop in Search Availability and Inquiries

Projected Drop by State

The map below displays the projected drop in search availability and inquiries within each state, accounting for any segment filters applied.


Projected Drop by Family Income Percentiles

Median family income
Drop in inquiries
Less than $35,000
$35,000 to $59,999
$60,000 to $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999
$150,000 to $199,999
$200,000 or more

Projected Drop by Ethnicity

Drop in inquiries
American Indian/Alaska Native
Black/African American
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Two or More Races

About this data

This data tool analyzes PSAT and SAT-taking cohorts from numerous government sources and then projects how they funnel into Search. Read our full methodology document to learn more and see all sources.

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